Mentor Profile View

ICAP Mentorship Program

        Mentor’s Information

Linkedin Profile

Mentor Name:Mentor Location:
Ali TariqLondon
Industry of Expertise
Area of Expertise
Finance Business Development and Transformation Supply Chain
Professional Qualification
QualificationInstituteArea of StudyAny Certificate and Award
Chartered Accountant Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales Finance ICAEW
Working Experience
Organization Designation FromTo
Unilever PLC, UK Global Vice President, Finance 20172021
Unilever Pakistan Chief Financial Officer 20132016
Unilever Singapore Regional Director, Corporate Audit 2010Present
Total Post Qualification Experience22

Other Interests:
Music, Travel

Additional Information:
Ali Tariq is currently an Executive Vice President at Unilever plc and based at its headquarters in London. He has been with Unilever for 20 years and held various regional and global leadership roles in South Asia, Far East and the UK. His experiences include the CFO of an emerging market, heading finance for Unilever’s global supply chain organisation and leading various corporate transformations at scale. A Chartered Accountant by profession, Ali trained with PwC in London.

Last Updated:
17 November, 2023